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Betws Primary School

Our School Vision

Our school philosophy provides an overall framework for general and more specific whole school aims, and is the foundation from which all aspects of our school community is developed.


 · To create high standards of learning experiences for all children, providing access to all areas of the National Curriculum and Foundation Phase.

 · To create a lively and stimulating learning environment that is exciting today, as well as a preparation for the future life.

 · To use Information Communication Technology to enrich the learning of pupils, to develop IT skills for all members of the school community and to develop the School’s capacity for ICT in line with 21st Century technological progress.

 · To create a caring, secure environment which contributes to the well being of all in school.

 · To create a partnership with families and the community.

 · To develop a positive place for the school within the community.

 · To create a ‘feel good’ factor, so that each individual feels good about themselves, about what they do and about the school.

 · Ensure children have access to, and opportunities to participate in, high quality and safe play, sport, leisure and cultural activities.

 · To remove any barriers that may prevent a child from learning, achieving and succeeding.

 · To produce caring, responsible citizens who show respect towards the environment and all other people.
